Services pricing & packages
In order to get more results for you, we make sure all your digital marketing channels are integrated together.

Founded on trust. Focused on relationships.
Find a team of digital marketers you can rely on. Every day, we build trust through communication, transparency, and results. In order to make sure your website is user friendly and optimized for Google’s algorithm, our on-site optimization experts clean up the code and copy.
Increased ROAS ( Return On Ads Spend)
Revenue generated for our clients
$1K - $500K+
Monthly ad budgets managed
Find the right plan by looking Fivertu’s Pricing
Find a team of digital marketers you can rely on. Every day, we build trust through communication, transparency, and results.
Facebook Ads Management
Monthly -
Monthly Budget To Spend Ads 1200€ +
Facebook Ads Account Setup
Setting up pinpoint target audiences
A/B Testing
Optimizing ads every day
Data Management
On-going Customer Support – Technical Support
Monthly Report - 1 Video Call
Purchase Now
- If you buy any of our Facebook Ads, Google Ads, LinkedIn Ads services, we do not cover the advertising payments
Google Ads Management
Monthly -
Monthly Budget To Spend Ads 1200€ +
Keywords Research
Setting up pinpoint target audiences
Google Ads (Google Analyitcs, Tag Manager, Search Console) Account Setup
A/B Testing
Ads Budget Management
Data Management
On-going Customer Support – Technical Support
Monthly Report - 1 Video Call
Purchase Now
- If you buy any of our Facebook Ads, Google Ads, LinkedIn Ads services, we do not cover the advertising payments
-In order to benefit from our Google Ads services, you must have a website
-In order to benefit from our Google Ads services, you must have a website
LinkedIn Ads Management
Monthly -
Monthly Budget To Spend Ads 1200€ +
Keywords Research
Pinpoint Target Audience For B2B
A/B Testing
Ads Budget Management
Data Management
On-going Customer Support – Technical Support
Monthly Report - 1 Video Call
Purchase Now
- LinkedIn Ads Management recommended for B2B
- If you buy any of our Facebook Ads, Google Ads, LinkedIn Ads services, we do not cover the advertising payments
- If you buy any of our Facebook Ads, Google Ads, LinkedIn Ads services, we do not cover the advertising payments
TikTok Ads Management
Monthly -
Monthly Budget To Spend Ads 2000€ +
Keywords Research
Pinpoint Target Audience For E-Commerce
A/B Testing
Ads Budget Management
Data Management
On-going Customer Support – Technical Support
Monthly Report - 1 Video Call
Shopify Design
/one time
Shopify Premium Theme Options
Domain Name Settings
3 E-Mail Account
Store Configuration
PayPal Configuration
Homepage Design
About Us Page Design
Contact Page Design
Shopify Speed Optimization
Support by E-Mail
Support by Phone
Support via Whatsapp
Free Support: 1 Months
Webflow Design
/one time
PREMIUM theme options
Domain Name Settings
3 E-Mail Account
Store Configuration
PayPal Configuration
Homepage Design
About Us Page Design
Contact Page Design
Webflow Speed Optimization
Support by E-Mail
Support by Phone
Support via Whatsapp
Free Support: 1 Months

Why we are different?
We are a private health care dedicated to providing quality dental care in cosmetic, restorative, and general dentistry.

Want to join?
Find a team of digital marketers you can rely on. Every day, we build trust through communication, transparency, and results.